Siam Piwat and KMUTT co-develop Thailand’s first-ever Fundamentals of Utility Management Program to upskill professional engineers in support of the rapid expansion of the real estate industry


The real estate business is currently facing a shortage of personnel with expertise in building systems. This has led to a talent war in a search of technicians and engineers to meet market demands and prevent accidents or potential losses of life and property. This can impact the value and attractiveness of buildings in the eyes of investors and business operators. In response, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) is collaborating with Siam Piwat Co., Ltd. and SIAM PIWAT Academy to develop a non-degree program to enhance professional skills for building technicians and engineers. This is considered the first such program in Thailand and will begin its first class in July 2024.

The Fundamentals of Utility Management is a short non-degree certificate program aimed at developing personnel in the field of utility management. It has been designed and developed to address the needs of the real estate industry, which is currently facing a shortage of personnel with wide-ranging specialized skills for the management of utility systems in modern buildings, as well as to cater to the needs of the rapidly expanding real estate sector.

In his remarks on the significance of this program, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suvit Tia, President of KMUTT, stated that urbanization and technological advancements have led to an increase in the construction of large buildings, and along with it, demand for personnel with skills in managing and control the various utility systems within the building and efficiently managing each type of equipment. However, most building technicians or engineers today specialize only in specific fields based on their academic background, such as mechanical, electrical, or civil engineering. That is because until now, there have not been programs designed specifically to develop versatile skillsets for these personnel and enable them to fully manage the complex systems of modern buildings, such as green buildings and smart buildings, as well as carbon neutrality-related systems, AI, and others.

“As an educational institution with expertise in engineering, technology, and innovation, KMUTT not only produces quality students for society but also seeks to expand its mission of graduate development to include working adults in the industrial sector under an initiative known as ‘KMUTTWORKS.’ This is a new model of cooperation between a higher education institution and the industrial sector for sustainable skill and competency development of working-age individuals. Designed based on the real demands of the industrial sector, this new certificate program focuses on workforce creation, capability development, and skill enhancement in order to develop working-age individuals for the industrial sector. The initiative aligns with the policy of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation (MHESI), which encourages higher education institutions to play a greater role in the development of Thailand’s industrial and manufacturing sectors.”

Ms. Jarunan Ithiawatchakul, HR - Executive Consulting and Consultant for Siam Piwat Academy at Siam Piwat Co., Ltd., said, “For the past 65 years, Siam Piwat has developed and managed world-renowned projects, such as Siam Paragon, Siam Center, Siam Discovery, ICONSIAM, and Siam Premium Outlets Bangkok, successfully establishing them as must-visit destinations for travelers from across the world. This accomplishment demonstrates our expertise in building management and extensive experience in facility management. To further enhance our personnel’s capabilities and contribute to the country’s workforce development, we are collaborating with King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi to develop skills and competencies among building technicians or building engineers, as building safety and security is a crucial foundation for all types of businesses.”

Dr. Ornkanyanee Liang-itsara, Assistant to the President for Lifelong Learning at KMUTT, said, “The design and development of this program is informed by the needs of the business and industrial sectors that have been expressed to academics in higher education institutions, thus reflecting the real labor demand in the current and future job market. Siam Piwat Co., Ltd. and Siam Piwat Academy recognize KMUTTWORKS’ approach to workforce development as an efficient, precise, and agile tool for enhancing workforce competencies. Given the intense competition in various areas today, the business and private sectors cannot afford to wait 4-5 years for the workforce produced by universities. This non-degree program has been designed to address these needs more effectively because beyond fundamentals that building technicians or engineers should know, such as the anatomy of the building, it also focuses on new topics that building technicians in shopping centers or large buildings need to know and prepares them for new technologies such as smart buildings and smart energy.”

The major strength of this program is that it is a non-degree program; rather than focusing on a degree, learners can instead accumulate credits to enter a degree program in the future. The Utility Management Program is divided into four levels: basic, intermediate, advanced, and expert. It is considered the first Thai program that integrates 10 skills from various engineering disciplines related to building management, consisting of knowledge of building systems, construction codes and regulations, technological expertise, maintenance and repair skills, energy management and conservation, emergency risk management, customer service skills, teamwork, problem-solving and financial management skill development, and integrated PV system development. The inaugural Basic-level course is set to launch in July, with all the remaining levels scheduled for a rollout by the 2025 academic year. Those who complete the program and meet the assessment criteria will receive special consideration when seeking employment at companies under Siam Piwat Group.

The Fundamentals of Utility Management Program is a collaborative utility management officer (O&M) development project between Siam Piwat Co., Ltd. and King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT). The two partners signed a memorandum of understanding as part of the Siam Piwat Academy project on June 9, 2023. The program is also part of KMUTT’s KMUTTWORKS project, which seeks to develop skills and capabilities for working adults to meet the needs of Thai industries.